burning man

village of love

Black Rock City, Nevada. You’ll never find it on the map because is a ephemeral city created entirely by the participants of the Burning Man festival. But if you can find Gerlach, Nevada, you’re getting close. It takes place in a playa at the base of the Nevada mountains. Burning Man is a week-long event that exchanges very little to no money; you buy tickets and you can buy ice, but not much else. There are no corporate sponsors and the event dedicates itself to art and self expression, without ever leaving a trace of the city or the inhabitants once the event is over. The city has a post office; a police department; theme camps; art cars (very cool); tons of art installations, including a temple; and the burning man statue, which is burned down with an extravagant fireworks finale. Since there is no electricity, it is extremely impressive how the city shines as bright as Las Vegas at night.


I went in 2011 for their 25th anniversary, and 54,000 people showed up; (4,000 more than tickets sold). Below are some of things I saw at this wonderful village of love.

— Carol Stamile

 Click on the images to make larger. Just remember  you will need to click on the back arrow in your browser at the top left hand corner to get back to the page.

Burning Man

Temple of Transition


Our camp




Party Naked





Desert storm


Art Cars


Art Cars


Beautiful Outsiders


Burning man


* Most but not all images that appear in the Travel section have been taken by me. I have tried to take out the ones that are not mine but in certain cases where I pulled the pages from a book I designed I kept all the images together. In the case of Burning Man, those not taken by me were taken by Andi Cooper.